Tuesday, February 7, 2012

More Sampson and Staniel Cays

Well... we are STILL here anchored out at Sampson Cay. BUT, we've been busy! Snorkeling, Super Bowl'ing (GOOOOO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!) and exploring around. BUT... we are pulling out at 7am in the morning and going to a new place! So, I thought I would at least put a few more pics on here before we go....

We're off to snorkel

Drop the anchor and jump in

They speared a Lion Fish... we have some dinner...and yes, I even ate some

Tony found this awesome helmet conch

Caught Tony filling up the dinghy in a towel... cracked me up. I was waiting for these gusty winds to take that towel away from him. Didn't happen though

At sunset, you can hear these conch horns being blown all over the islands. This was Super Bowl party and they were passing this one around for people to try. It takes some practice

Our Super Bowl gang...from left- David, Tony, Me, Roberta, John, Laura, Jason

We went to snorkel the Thunderball Cave. It's an underwater cave and when the sun is out, it illuminates the water inside the cave from the shafts up top. This cave was in the James Bond movie, Thunderball

First thing we see... a sting ray

The coral colors are beautiful

Had to put this one on here...it's the day after the Super Bowl and a Patriots flag flying half staff ;-)))

Ending the day...

So, we have snorkeled many other places, but I do not have pics. And I am VERY upset because I actually got to see an octopus. Laura picked up a conch and the octopus was trying to eat it. The octopus ran back into it's little cave and literally pulled his eyeball around the corner to look at us. I had NO idea they could do that... it was sooooo freaky.

We are leaving tomorrow morning at 7am and heading way south to the Jumentos Cays and Ragged Islands with 3 other sailboats. It is a 100 mile chain of little islands and uninhabited- except for Duncan Town which I think has 40 people leaving there. We won't have communications for about 2+ weeks. I will be sure to get everybody up-to-date when we return to civilization. I'm sure I will be in dire need of a "family fix" by then......

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Still in Sampson...

We're still in Sampson hanging out with the winds and from the looks of the weather forecast, we're going to have 18-25+mph winds forever! The good thing is, this is such a great place to be "stuck". Lots to do and lots to see.

"The Gang" got together one morning and dinghy'd over to Staniel Cay to check out the island, the grocery stores, and have lunch.

This is where we had lunch... it's many 'places' under one roof...

Here's the "Liquor Store" to the left when you walk in...

Expecting any mail?? Have fun looking through this box to find it

Here's a little bit of the island... I thought this sign was funny

A few little bungalows to rent

They do have nice paved roads on this island

Finally!! Bahamian bread! The lady bakes fresh bread out of her house

You just walk in the kitchen door and see what she has baking each day. Laura and I both bought a loaf and split them...one coconut bread and one wheat. I am happy!!

This is inside one of the grocery stores...I think this one was "blue store" and yep, you guessed it, it's blue on the outside

A little storm came through one morning

Tony, Jason and David have been going bonefishing just about each morning

Tony caught his first bonefish!!!! Happy boy!

This is Jason...he's been teaching Tony how to bonefish

Roberta, Laura and I went beach walking and island hiking today. Tony had camera, so no pics BUT- I found this brain coral on the beach. It took some excavating, but we were able to pull it up...this is coming home with me. I am SO excited. They said this one could be over 100 years old.

We did dinner and a movie on 'off the hook'

Grilled pork loins...yummy!

David, Jason, Tony...I bet their looking at fish :-)

John and David...hard telling what they're laughing at. Probably something John said...haha

Finishing off the hashbrown casserole...Laura did NOT want picture evidence of this...hehehe

Listened to weather this morning...more of the same. Soooo, we will be getting in some snorkeling and gearing up for SUPER BOWL SUNDAY! Stay tuned....

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sampson Cay

I thought I would skip and just show you where we are now (I'll go back to the other couple of places later). We are in Sampson Cay and have been since Saturday, January 28th, 2012. We’re going to have to “hide” for weather coming by all next week.

On our way to find a spot, we hear our name on being called on the radio. It was Paula and Barry on Sea Fox. Paula pretty much said for us to get our butts to where they were! So, what started as a little 2 or 3 hour island jump, turned into a 6+ hour jump all the way to Staniel Cay/Sampson Cay area. We get anchored, threw a cheese and cracker plate together, grabbed drinks, and off to Sea Fox we go for appetizer and drinks... and a beautiful sunset.

Paula and Barry have been traveling with a couple of other boats- Paul and Denise on Orion, and Erik and his sweet wife on Vikings Dream. They were all getting together for dinner on Vikings Dream and they extended the invite to us. What a spread… roast beef, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, gravy, salad. And Denise and Paul brought a rum cake! OMG… THEEEEE best rum cake everrrrrrrrrrr. Tony has requested this cake for his birthday!! This group will be leaving for Little Farmers in the morning for a Festival.

As of now, Tony and I will be staying around this area to weather out the storm here. OH… and another surprise… John and Roberta (on Freedom), Jason and Laura (on Blue blaze),and David (on Cloud Messenger) made it here just a dawn. We met all of these people on our last trip to Bahamas. We will have “catch up reunion” tomorrow.

The next morning, Sunday, January 29th, Tony and I moved into Sampson Cay Marina for a night. Did a huge cleaning inside and out on boat. Wow, does everything feel better. AND... we are protected from all the wind.

We found Berta sitting out front getting some internet :)

We also greeted by a few nurse sharks

We meet up with the gang at the marina restaurant to watch the AFC/NFC football game. Funnnnn!

We pulled out of marina the next morning and have spent the rest of the days anchored just outside the marina. We're still protected by the little "mountains". Looks like we'll be here for awhile... not complaining at all though:)! Lots to do. Everybody made something for dinner and brought it over to off the hook.

John and Roberta went snorkeling, killed a few Lion Fish. This will be dinner tonight.

Tony back from snorkeling too

Dinner on Freedom. Berta cooked up the Lion Fish along with some Coconut Curry Rice. It was delicious...

Tony and I went to explore around a little bit...this is Overyonder Cay:)

Take a little peek on the outside...yep! Still nasty looking...not going there

We decided to meet at the beach and play some horsehoes. Tony paddleboarded over and I took the dinghy and set up playtime at this beautiful place...

Everybody taking a turn on the paddleboard

Berta getting some snorkeling in

Trying to find the buried horseshoes...lol

Great day...everybody tired and back to their own boats for the evening.

Jason and Tony are going to go Bonefishing this morning. The rest of us are going to dinghy around to Staniel Cay and go "into town", check out the shops and have lunch. Pics of that to come.....